Blog Post 23 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring A Property Manager

23 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring A Property Manager

Hiring a property manager can be a stressful situation for a homeowner. That is why we came up with 23 questions you should ask before hiring a property manager! There are several ways to determine a good fit for both owner and property manager. To do this well, we believe there ...
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Blog Post 10 Signs You Have a Nightmare Resident

10 Signs You Have a Nightmare Resident

If you have owned a rental property, you have probably experienced a bad resident.As a landlord or investor, you want a resident who will treat your house with care and as their own. This means that while they’re living in it, it is their home. Despite this we all know ther...
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Blog Post Flipping Houses is Not As Easy As It Looks

Flipping Houses is Not As Easy As It Looks

Television and movies might have sparked your interest in flipping houses, but it is essential to understand the process is not as easy as it may seem. House flipping requires a solid amount of working capital, time, and patience to be successful.Before you quit your day job and ...
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Blog Post Should You Rent Your House? Here's The Answer

Should You Rent Your House? Here's The Answer

Should You Rent Your HouseHave you ever asked yourself - should I sell or rent my house? If so, you’ve come to the right place. The simple answer to the big question is that it depends.Our goal with this post is not to sway you one way or the other but to give you some help...
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Blog Post My Resident Is Not Paying Rent—What to Do?

My Resident Is Not Paying Rent—What to Do?

Dealing with a resident not paying rent is nothing short of a nightmare. After all, it is very stressful when you’ve done all you can do to live up to an agreement you made, and the other person seems bent on not living up to the contract. If you are a landlord lo...
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Blog Post Should You Remodel Your Rental?

Should You Remodel Your Rental?

Rental renovation is a big decision for any property owner. Obviously, you want to ensure you will reap the benefits of such a costly expense but you also want to know that it’s what makes the most sense for you.In this article, we’ll answer the question of should you...
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Blog Post What Are Property Management Benefits?

What Are Property Management Benefits?

As a rental property owner, you may be trying to decide whether to use a property manager for your property. When conducting your research, not only do you want to take a look at the costs, but you also want to look into the benefits of property management. In doing so, you&rsquo...
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Blog Post 5 Ways to Manage The Stress Of Owning Rental Property

5 Ways to Manage The Stress Of Owning Rental Property

You may ask, "what could possibly be stressful about owning rental properties?"Will, let's start by taking a look at the positives. Things like monthly cash flow, loan pay down, yearly appreciation, and BIG tax breaks have us feeling good. Make no mistake;...
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Blog Post Should I Hold A Vacant House For A Prospective Resident?

Should I Hold A Vacant House For A Prospective Resident?

Holding a vacant property for too long can quickly present you with several different challenges as a landlord. Despite real estate investing being known for being highly profitable, these profits come as a result of monthly payments. Without monthly rent, you’re hurting yo...
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Blog Post 11 Easy and Rental-Friendly Upgrades to Improve Property

11 Easy and Rental-Friendly Upgrades to Improve Property

In property management, part of the job is attracting the right types of residents to the right types of homes. If you own a rental property, you want it to be occupied by good residents. In today’s world, residents have a wide range of options, and they’ll typic...
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