Blog Post What Makes Evernest Different From Other Property Managers

What Makes Evernest Different From Other Property Managers

What's up, everybody? Matthew Whitaker here and I wanted to shoot a video on my ride home. This is something we've been doing at Evernest, doing some introspective work, and just wanted to talk to you about it. We've been deciding well, what really makes us different?...
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Blog Post How Long Does it Take to Evict a Resident in Birmingham Al?

How Long Does it Take to Evict a Resident in Birmingham Al?

How Long Does the Eviction Process Take in Birmingham?What's up, everybody? This is Matthew Whitaker, and this is questions owners ask. Today's question is, "How long does it take to evict a resident in Birmingham, Alabama?" So, as I was thinking about this, I w...
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Blog Post Nashville Property Management vs Self Management

Nashville Property Management vs Self Management

I'm glad you found this article because that's what we're going to break down. Weighing the advantages and disadvantages closely, one can easily see that it is not all about how much it costs. When you consider the headaches of dealing with middle-of-the-night mainten...
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Blog Post Your Guide To Hiring A Property Manager In Nashville

Your Guide To Hiring A Property Manager In Nashville

Are you considering hiring a property manager in Nashville?In this guide to hiring a property manager in Nashville, we'll discuss issues that you need to consider before you make a decision. Some of these issues will be obvious while other matters we address will be more obsc...
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Blog Post Why Owning 10 Rental Houses Is Better Than One

Why Owning 10 Rental Houses Is Better Than One

So you want to own rental houses?  Birmingham, Alabama is a hot market if you want to own rental houses. It has so many benefits to offer an investor. But, I'm not here to talk about why you should buy in Birmingham. I'm here to tell you why you should buy MORE than ...
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Blog Post 5 Reasons Renting Your Home Makes Sense

5 Reasons Renting Your Home Makes Sense

Does Renting Your Home Makes Sense?Most of our articles are biased. However, I have written on the opposite idea of why you WOULDN'T rent your home in a previous article. I think that buys me enough credit here to give you some good reasons you WOULD rent your home. There are...
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Blog Post Birmingham Alabama Real Estate Investing Mistakes [VIDEO]

Birmingham Alabama Real Estate Investing Mistakes [VIDEO]

Birmingham, Alabama Real Estate Investing MistakesIn this article, we will share our Birmingham, Alabama real estate investing mistakes with you so that you don't make the same mistakes. Real money. Or heard the horror stories that circulate on the web. I've made several ...
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Blog Post Turnkey Real Estate In Birmingham

Turnkey Real Estate In Birmingham

We speak with a lot of investors who are interested in turnkey real estate in Birmingham.Birmingham is one of the nation's top spots for cash flow investors. For anyone seeking turnkey real estate in Birmingham, there are plenty of deals to choose from. In Birmingham you can ...
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Blog Post Don't Miss These 5 Turnkey Mistakes

Don't Miss These 5 Turnkey Mistakes

5 Turnkey MistakesWe were on the phone the other day with an investor from California who asked for our advice in analyzing a few wholesale deals he had been offered here in Birmingham, Alabama. It seems like we have this conversation with out-of-state investors on a daily basis....
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Blog Post Factors of a Good Location for Buying/Renting a Property

Factors of a Good Location for Buying/Renting a Property

If you are looking for a new place to call home via buying or renting, or if you are an investor seeking an excellent investment property, then it is pertinent to remember that. Here are a few tips to help you look for the things that matter when finding a home with a great locat...
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