Blog Post 5 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring Your Denver Property Manager

5 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring Your Denver Property Manager

Hey, everybody. I'm Matthew Whitaker. I'm back with another Questions Owners Ask. And today's question is 5 questions you should ask before hiring your Denver property manager. All right, let's jump into it right off the bat.The First Question I Would Ask Is How M...
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Blog Post The Truth Behind Denver Property Manager Reviews

The Truth Behind Denver Property Manager Reviews

Today we're going to talk about Denver property manager reviews. Reviews are a hot topic. Probably the first thing you look at when you started searching for a property management company is these reviews. So we're going to talk about them. We're going to dig into the...
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Blog Post How To Evict A Resident In Colorado?

How To Evict A Resident In Colorado?

Matthew: Hey, everybody. Matthew Whitaker here. We're doing a video on how to evict a resident in Colorado. I'm with Evernest here in Colorado. And I am with Paul Farrer, who is an eviction attorney here in Colorado. Hi, Paul. Paul: How're you doing? Matthew: Thank yo...
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Blog Post Self Management Vs Professional Property Management In Denver

Self Management Vs Professional Property Management In Denver

Hey, everybody, should I self-manage or should I use property management in Denver for my rental house - Self Management Vs Professional Property Management In Denver What Should I Do? That's the question I'm going to answer right here right now. My name is Matthew Whitak...
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Blog Post What Is The Best Way To Find A House In Denver You Buy As A Rental?

What Is The Best Way To Find A House In Denver You Buy As A Rental?

Hi, I'm Matthew Whitaker with Evernest (formerly GKhouses) and today's question I'm going to tackle is What Is The Best Way To Find A House In Denver You Buy As A Rental? I'm going to take you through some things that I've learned in almost 15 years of investi...
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Blog Post My Resident Is Not Paying Rent In My Denver Rental House

My Resident Is Not Paying Rent In My Denver Rental House

[embed][/embed] My resident is not paying rent in my Denver rental house, what should I do? That's the question I'm going to answer right now. I'm Matthew Whitaker with evernest. So, let's jump right in.The first thing is things you sho...
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Blog Post 5 Reasons Not To Rent Out Your Fort Collins Home

5 Reasons Not To Rent Out Your Fort Collins Home

[embed][/embed] Hi, everyone. This is Gray Hall with Evernest talking to you today about the top 5 reasons not to rent out your Fort Collins home. We'll go ahead and jump in.The First One:So, number one, the rental return does not justify all of th...
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