Blog Post The 15 MUST-Read Real Estate Books for New Investors

The 15 MUST-Read Real Estate Books for New Investors

Investing in Real Estate for the first time can be intimidating. When you’re just starting out, it’s easy to feel as though you’ll never know enough. Your money is at stake so you want to feel good and ready before taking the dive on whatever property you b...
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Blog Post Should You Remodel Your Rental?

Should You Remodel Your Rental?

Rental renovation is a big decision for any property owner. Obviously, you want to ensure you will reap the benefits of such a costly expense but you also want to know that it’s what makes the most sense for you.In this article, we’ll answer the question of should you...
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Blog Post 5 Ways to Manage The Stress Of Owning Rental Property

5 Ways to Manage The Stress Of Owning Rental Property

You may ask, "what could possibly be stressful about owning rental properties?"Will, let's start by taking a look at the positives. Things like monthly cash flow, loan pay down, yearly appreciation, and BIG tax breaks have us feeling good. Make no mistake;...
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Blog Post The Most Landlord-Friendly States of 2022

The Most Landlord-Friendly States of 2022

Throughout the country, there are varying laws and regulations surrounding the landlord-tenant relationship. Between the two parties, landlords and residents, each state tends to lean in favor of one more than the other.A landlord-friendly state leans more so in favor of the land...
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Blog Post How much do you charge for maintenance?

How much do you charge for maintenance?

Maintenance charges sneak up on homeowners who are not prepared. Rather than be left caught in the dark without the funds to cover any necessary maintenance around your home, it’s better to have an idea of what to expect in the future.In this article, we’ll discuss th...
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Blog Post 11 Easy and Rental-Friendly Upgrades to Improve Property

11 Easy and Rental-Friendly Upgrades to Improve Property

In property management, part of the job is attracting the right types of residents to the right types of homes. If you own a rental property, you want it to be occupied by good residents. In today’s world, residents have a wide range of options, and they’ll typic...
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Blog Post Common Real Estate Investing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Common Real Estate Investing Mistakes You Should Avoid

The cost of real estate mistakes in investing can be pretty high, which is why it’s crucial to educate yourself as much as possible before getting into it. The best thing you can do for yourself is to learn from the mistakes of others.This article will address some of the c...
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Blog Post 3 Ways to Avoid Being Sued When Renting Your Home

3 Ways to Avoid Being Sued When Renting Your Home

As a landlord, it is critical to protect yourself and your property from a lawsuit. Not only are lawsuits stressful, but they can also be both financially and emotionally draining as well.Anytime you choose to rent out your property, you are opening yourself up for the risk,...
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Blog Post How Much to Save For Home Repairs?

How Much to Save For Home Repairs?

Determining home maintenance costs can be challenging, but it’s an important aspect of budgeting all landlords should consider.In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some ideas behind how much you should budget for home repairs every year as well as explore the ...
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Blog Post How Do I Build A Portfolio Of Rental Homes?

How Do I Build A Portfolio Of Rental Homes?

If you're a relatively new investor, you might be asking "How do I build a portfolio of rental houses?" Check out this short video or keep on reading to learn just how to do it. How do I build a portfolio of rental homes? Since this is something I've done, I wa...
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